Analisis Metode Fuzzy C-Means untuk Pengelompokkan Prestasi Dosen


  • Sri Redjeki

Kata Kunci:

Analize, Fuzzy C-Means, Lecturer


Fuzzy clustering is a technique to determine the optimal cluster in a vector space based on the normal form Eucledian to the distance between vectors. A college desperately need valid information about the learning process there is. Information by using data mining to provide accurate data and can be a tool for decision-making quick and precise, especially with regard to the behavior of the faculty in the process of PBM. This study will analyze the ability of Fuzzy C-Means clustering to commit to the achievement of one of the lecturers in universities in Yogyakarta. The input parameters, namely the presence of the teaching faculty achievement, collection time and the end value of the questionnaire results from students who are the independent variables, while the value index faculty achievement (IPAD) as the dependent variable. 3 is the number of clusters is no good, average and less. The data used were 59 lecturers. Most lecturers are in good cluster category for all variables used in this study. Variable results of the questionnaire have significant results against IPAD lecturer second semester 2009/2010.




