Food Calorie Scale Equipped with Daily Calorie Needs Analysis


  • Muhammad Sainal Abidin Teknologi Elektro Medis, Universitas Mandala Waluya
  • Ridia Utami Kasih Teknologi Elektro Medis, Universitas Mandala Waluya
  • Desak Ketut Sutiari Teknologi Elektro Medis, Universitas Mandala Waluya



Calories, Food, Scales, Loadcells, Automatic


In carrying out their activities, humans need various kinds of nutritional intake. The nutrients contained in a meal will form calories which are a source of energy needed to carry out activities. The remaining calories that are not converted into energy will be stored in the body as fat. Therefore, it is important to know the amount of intake consumed by a person according to the number of calories needed each day.  Each type of food contains a different number of calories that are affected by their content and amount. In general, there have been many references that explain the number of calories contained in a food, but with the variety of types of food consumed, the process of calculating the total number of calories consumed is complicated. With this tool, the process of analyzing daily calorie needs can be done easily. The tool is made using a microcontroller to carry out the process of analyzing and processing data automatically and structured based on the program that has been entered. Food weight measurement uses a load cell with a 4x4 keypad as an interface so that the process of entering data becomes easier. There are 15 types of foods that have been included in the program to be able to calculate their calorie content. The caloric value of food can be calculated based on the measured weight of the type of food weighed. From the measurement results, the difference between the measurement of the weight of the equipment and the manufacturer's scale of 0.6 gr with a value of R2 = 0.998 was obtained which indicates good accuracy.


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How to Cite

Abidin, M. S., Kasih , R. U. and Sutiari, D. K. (2024) “Food Calorie Scale Equipped with Daily Calorie Needs Analysis”, Sebatik, 28(2). doi: 10.46984/sebatik.v28i2.2476.