Implications of the Influence Corporate Financial Performance on Sukuk Ijarah in the Development of Indonesian Sharia Finance
Sukuk Ijarah, Company Performance, Profitability, Liquidity, Leverage, Sharia Finance.Abstract
In this study, the purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the ability of Islamic finance to work, in which case the performance measured is profitability, curent liabilities and leverage reported by the company to sukuk ijarah corporation in the observation period during the last seven years, namely from 2018 to 2024 in Indonesia. The sample used is all companies registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) that issue sukuk with the sukuk ijarah scheme. The performance capabilities of the companies studied here are their ability to obtain their profitability as well as the company's ability to finance short-term debts arising from the issuance of sukuk ijarah and its long-term ability to meet sukuk payments that have matured in the next few years. This study uses multiple data regression using the Eviews 11 tool. The results of this study show that the three variables of profitability, liquidity and leverage simultaneously or partially affect sukuk ijarah. The fact is that the company that issued sukuk ijarah during the period of this research shows that sukuk ijarah can make the company obtain good profitability. On the other hand, companies that issue sukuk ijarah have the ability to meet their short-term debts and long-term debts if they have matured to return the underlying assets of the sukuk ijarah that have been issued.
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