Laser Distance Based Digital Weight and Height Measurement System with Thermal Printer Output
Height, Weight, Sensor, Scale Bar, SensorAbstract
The growth and development of a person's body can be affected by various factors such as hereditary factors, the environment and the type of food consumed. One method that can be used to find out the condition of a person's body growth and development is to compare weight and height. This analysis is known as Body Mass Index (BMI). To carry out this analysis, weight and height measurements must first be taken. With the tools developed in this study, the analysis process can be carried out easily. This developed tool is able to measure height and weight at the same time. Height measurement is carried out by placing the weight sensor (Load Cell) under the user's footing like a tire scale in general. As for height measurement, on the top of the patient's head, a laser-based distance sensor VL53L1X placed. In contrast to height measurement which uses a voice-based distance sensor with direct measurements on the surface of the patient's head whose measurement results are less accurate. This is due to the uneven surface of the head, different hair shapes, and diffused sound waves. With the Scale Bar method/plate that can move up/down automatically as the sensor measurement plane. Thus, the measurement results are better because the reflection plane is in the form of a flat plate so that the light reflection results from the laser sensor become more focused. From the results of measurements, weight and height in several patients, the results of measurements were obtained with an average difference of 0.3 cm for height and 0.09 kg for body weight measurement.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Sainal Abidin, Aryani Adami , Desak Ketut Sutiari, Ridia Utami Kasih
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