Development of an Android-Based Financial Management App to Support Educational Infrastructure Enhancement at Pondok Pesantren Nurul Hidayah in Accordance with SDG 9
Digitalization, Finance, Digital Literacy, Islamic Boarding School, Smart Society 5.0.Abstract
Technological advancements have transformed the way humans live, with increasing digitalization in various aspects of life. However, in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, there has been a disruption to the role of humans, raising concerns about the loss of the essence of humanity. In 2019, Japan introduced the concept of Smart Society 5.0 to address the negative impacts of this disruption by reinstating humans as the main element in modern life. As a form of community service, the service team developed the program "Simple Financial Application as a Medium for Financial Management at Nurul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School," located in Sukaharja, Cijeruk, Bogor Regency. The main issue faced by the partner is that financial management is still carried out manually, leading to the risk of recording errors and discrepancies in financial data. This activity aims to digitize the financial administration system and enhance the digital literacy of the students and staff of the boarding school through seminars, training, and mentoring. The methods used include a holistic approach comprising observation, interviews, digital financial literacy seminars, training on using Android-based financial applications, and online and offline mentoring for three months. The results indicate an improvement in the partner's ability to use financial technology, the achievement of efficiency in recording financial transactions, and increased transparency in fund management. The contribution of this activity to Nurul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School is the enhancement of staff capabilities in digital-based financial management and the encouragement of community empowerment by utilizing technology to achieve sustainable and efficient financial management.
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